Phoebe is maintained by Jenny Coulter, currently at the Flatiron Institute (CCQ), in collaboration with the Kozinsky group at Harvard University and the Simoncelli group at the University of Cambridge.
Current Developers:
Boris Kozinsky
Gordon McKay Professor of Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering
Harvard University
Michele Simoncelli
Research Fellow, University of Cambridge
(Incoming faculty at Columbia University)
Keynesh Dongol
Student Intern
Flatiron Institute, Center for Computational Quantum Physics
Kamil Iwanowski
PhD Student
University of Cambridge
Changpeng Lin
PhD Student
Bogdan Rajkov
PhD Student
University of Cambridge
Past Contributors:
Andrea Cepellotti
Research Scientist
Natalya Fedorova
Junior R&T Associate
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Anders Johansson
Postdoctoral Researcher
Sandia National Laboratory